Whatever happened to the results of MCAP from the Spring of 2022?
Whatever happened to the results of MCAP from the Spring of 2022? For those who have forgotten, the MCAP is the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program. It is Maryland’s standardized testing program that is implemented every Spring. What was different in the Spring of 2022 is that it was the first assessment of any significance since …
Whatever happened to the results of MCAP from the Spring of 2022? Read More »
Taking Your Children Out of Maryland Public School System
Can you take your child out of Maryland public schools and enroll him in one of those online schools?
What’s the Deal With all of These Online K-12 Schools?
Can you send your child there instead of a Maryland K-12 school? Do they cost anything? The answer is not too complicated. Over the past decade, there has been an incredible increase in the number of these online schools. Many offer completely online services, and some offer hybrid. These online schools can offer both asynchronous …
What’s the Deal With all of These Online K-12 Schools? Read More »
Administrators Better Pay Attention to the Information From Hearings and Trials of the Uvalde and Parkland Shootings
Administrators better pay attention to the information coming from hearings and trials stemming from the Uvalde and Parkland shootings. Much of it is centered on failures of not just law enforcement but of school personnel, specifically administrators. The Texas house of representatives recently issued an 81-page interim report detailing the Uvalde shooting. The very beginning …
Failures in the Uvalde Shooting
More information continues to come to the surface about the Uvalde shooting, and, in my opinion, there are no surprises. Evie Blad for Education Week published an article yesterday and provided some of the details, including failures of the school system and police, and possible takeaways for educators. They cited a failed police response. Anyone …