Opinion>MEN Podcast
Assistant Principal Breaks up Fight, reporter questions if action will be taken against AP
In this video, I break down an incident where an assistant principal broke up a fight and the reporter questions if he will be disciplined. The reporter does not ask is the students will be disciplined. Did he violate policy? what is the policy? did he put him in a headlock? Judge for yourself.
Sun Article shows Maryland’s Double-Edged Sword: Accountability and Consequences; make up your mind.
A Baltimore Sun article highlights a perplexing paradox: criticizing punitive actions like virtual learning while they, and other media outlets in recent times, have condemned schools for not holding students accountable. This dilemma underscores the complex decision-making educators face, as illustrated by a student’s behavior prompting debates about safety, consequences, and effective learning methods.
Worcester County Quietly Getting it Done
In this video I take a closer look at Worcester County Schools. They are leading or near the top in most recent MCAP testing and seem to be quietly getting it done.
Baltimore County Chooses Omnilert to Increase School Safety But Access Control not Addressed
In this video I briefly highlight how BCPS has chosen Omnilert as its choice to scan crowds for weapons. While this is a good choice, in my opinion more attention is needed in access control. Aging school buildings need a centralized method as many still rely on keyed locks. I believe this was a major …
School Safety Advances in Technology from National Conference; Proxess Solves Access Problem
In this video, I briefly overview new school safety technologies from the School Safety Convention and highlight what I think is an excellent product.
What’s in a Student Handbook Why is it So Important?
Every system in Maryland issues a student handbook each year. In this video I take a quick look at why it is so important.