Leadership>Student Achievement
How These Districts Are Using $10,000 to Boost Student Learning
The pilot projects, begun with grants from the National Education Association, aim to curb absenteeism, supply food, and offer tutoring.
What Two New Studies Reveal About Learning Recovery
Effective programs require putting “a lot of effort into implementation,” said one researcher.
Older Students ‘Running Out of Time’ for Academic Recovery
A annual report finds significant academic and mental health problems for secondary students.
Is This the Year Students Finally Catch Up From the Pandemic? Educators Think So
Maybe too much so, experts say.
Quiz Yourself: What Do You Know About Learning Recovery?
Evidence is building about the most effective ways to boost learning. Test yourself on what works—and what doesn’t.
Academic Recovery: Terms to Know
A primer on what educators should know about the most common interventions for academic recovery.
Learning Recovery: Getting It to Work
Academic recovery is hard. See how some districts are pulling it off in this special report.