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For Parents


"We are always looking for stakeholders, If you would like to contribute,"


John Huber


John Huber

Maryland Schools are a Mess

Maryland Schools are an absolute mess.  There is just no other way to put it.  Local jurisdictions are caught in the middle between parents on one side and state and federal entities on the other.  On the federal level the CDC says “Students benefit from in-person learning, and safely returning to in-person instruction continues to be a …

Maryland Schools are a Mess Read More »

Kirwan is On The Way!

While Maryland’s K-12 schools are dealing with the first snowstorm in a while, as well as frustrations over high COVID-19 spread, behind the scenes the wheels are churning away with the implementation of The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.  This is an epic and system altering piece of legislation, originally brought forth via the Kirwan Commission, …

Kirwan is On The Way! Read More »

What Exactly is ALICE and How Are They Teaching it to our Kids?

Over the last several years, when it comes to active shootings, particularly in schools, we have no doubt heard the acronymALICE.  So, what exactly is ALICE and how are they teaching it to our kids? Schools and school systems often boast that they subscribe to or have implemented the “ALICE Protocols.”  So, what exactly does …

What Exactly is ALICE and How Are They Teaching it to our Kids? Read More »

Relationship Between Guidance and Administration at the Core of the Michigan Shooting

As the details of the deadly Michigan school shooting became known, it struck the core of every administrator and guidance counselor who has ever worked in K-12 education over the last 20 plus years.  The most disturbing of all the details was the realization that the would-be shooter was identified and questioned on the same …

Relationship Between Guidance and Administration at the Core of the Michigan Shooting Read More »