Opinion>MEN Podcast
May, 2023 Update; Status of MCAP, Maryland Blueprint, and 2023 Education Legislation
In this update, we briefly discuss MCAP testing, Maryland Blueprint status and results of education bills in the now closed 2023 session of the Maryland General Assembly.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools is Banning Flags
Anne Arundel County Public Schools is proposing a policy that will ban all flags that are not governmental (United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel County, city of Annapolis) flags, or for a bona fide educational purpose
Baltimore City Attendance
Baltimore City Public Schools is trying to figure out why so many students are absent. Currently, more students are chronically absent than are not.
MSDE Hides Testing Results
In this episode, I discuss how MSDE is hiding the results of a failed initial testing to the first MCAP assessment.
Taking Your Children Out of Maryland Public School System
Can you take your child out of Maryland public schools and enroll him in one of those online schools?