Opinion>MEN Podcast
Tips for Parents when Dealing with School Systems
In this video, I provide a few tips for parents who are having difficulty dealing with the school system on behalf of their child.
What is the ROle of the SRO, Why do we have them
In this video I look at the basic reason schools have police.
Project Baltimore Attack on New BCPS COO shows lack of knowledge of policy and was misleading.
In this video, I look at the Project Baltimore hit piece on the new BCPS COO, Dr. Jess Grim. In the segment, the reporter clearly shows that he does not understand who is responsible for student discipline on school busses.
July Update; Howard County Faces Scrutiny Over Transportation and PG County Increases Security
A quick review of Howard County’s transportation woes, including awarding a contract to a California Company that advertises as “green” and has a lot full of diesel busses. Also PG County’s decision to beef up security at their high schools and some middle schools.
2 New Superintendents in Maryland will be More of the Same
In this video, I look briefly at the two new superintendents named in Maryland. Both will have their hands full, and neither will make any significant change.
Golden Ring Middle School Closing
Baltimore County Public Schools has announced the closing of Golden Ring Middle School. This comes as no surprise; however, some say there was a lack of communication from school officials.
May, 2023 Update; Status of MCAP, Maryland Blueprint, and 2023 Education Legislation
In this update, we briefly discuss MCAP testing, Maryland Blueprint status and results of education bills in the now closed 2023 session of the Maryland General Assembly.