Making Sense of Fractions: This Tactic Helped Students Grasp a Key Math Topic
Fractions are an important building block in students’ mathematical foundations—and notoriously difficult to master.
The Challenge of Growing Dual Language Programs, in Charts
As the English learner population grows nationwide, researchers and education leaders are grappling with how best to serve these students.
Do Future Teachers Have Math Anxiety? Their University Instructors Think So
Professors are split on how prepared they believe future teachers are for college-level math.
Universities Are Teaching Competing Math Philosophies to Future Teachers. Why That Matters
Survey data reveal deep tensions about the value of explicit teaching, the importance of fluency, and ability grouping in math.
Building Pathways for Bilingual Teachers: Ideas From 3 States
State and local leaders say flexibility, partnerships, and thinking outside the box are key to developing a bilingual teacher workforce.