Golden Ring Middle Is Closing
Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) officials recently made a recommendation to close Golden Ring Middle School in Rosedale during a recent board meeting. The decision is part of BCPS’s plan to improve learning environments and address issues of overcrowding in the area.
BCPS officials have proposed the construction of a new middle school in the northeastern region to replace Golden Ring Middle School. Although the final decision regarding Golden Ring Middle School has not been made, the closure of the school would impact over 900 students, who would be transferred to nearby schools. According to BCPS’s report, the construction of a new middle school and the renovation of Pine Grove Middle School will enhance learning environments for students and increase the overall seating capacity in the region by approximately 606. The target date for completing these two projects is set for fall 2024.
Pete Dixit, the executive director of BCPS, mentioned that the future use of the existing Golden Ring Middle School building has not yet been determined. However, BCPS anticipates repurposing the facility to meet the demand for additional space, which could take between 12 to 18 months.
The closure of Golden Ring Middle School is a response to the significant increase in student enrollment at the school. BCPS’s report highlights that from 2013 to 2022, Golden Ring Middle School experienced a 41 percent increase in student enrollment, with the number of students rising from 606 to 903. However, the school’s capacity is limited to 844 students.
According to BCPS, Golden Ring Middle School, built in 1931, has not undergone any renovations since 1996. The school’s conditions were ranked in the bottom 25 percent of schools in a study conducted by the state’s Multi-Year Improvement Plan for All Schools (MYIPAS).
During a recent school board meeting, board member Rod McMillion raised concerns about the lack of transparency in the presentation regarding the closure of Golden Ring Middle School and the timing of the decision. McMillion accused officials of deliberately withholding information about the closure during an election year, raising questions about the timing of the matter. Board member Julie Henn also expressed concerns about the communication gaps between BCPS officials and residents regarding the closure of Golden Ring Middle School, particularly for families who were not aware of the closure until recently.
The Baltimore County Public Schools Board of Education voted to close Golden Ring Middle School at a recent meeting. The school has been under scrutiny as part of a boundary study examining middle schools in the central and northeastern areas of the school system. The study assumes that BCPS will construct a new middle school to replace Golden Ring, which operated at 107 percent capacity with 903 students last year.
Despite concerns raised by some community members about insufficient communication regarding the closure, the board took into consideration comments about the communication process. Plans to replace Golden Ring Middle School with a new facility have been discussed since 2020, but the formal closure process did not begin until April, leaving stakeholders wondering why it didn’t happen sooner.
The board held a public hearing on May 3 to gather input, and community members expressed unanimous agreement with option E, the map recommended by the boundary study committee. Some parents were concerned that other redistricting options would result in sending students from higher-rated schools to lower-rated schools, while others were pleased with map E as it would ensure their students attend diverse schools.
The final vote on the boundary study is expected to take place on June 13. Board member Rod McMillion expressed dissatisfaction with the closure process but appreciated staff acknowledging room for improvement. Board member Tiara D. Booker-Dwyer proposed delaying the closure vote until the June 13 meeting to ensure students know which school they will attend next before closing a school. However, her motion to delay the vote failed.
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