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John Huber


Tensions Rise as School Resource Officers Withdraw: The Impact of New Laws on School Safety

In recent months, an increasing number of law enforcement agencies in Minnesota have been making the tough decision to withdraw school resource officers (SROs) from educational institutions. The Brooklyn Park Police Department is the latest to join this growing trend, citing a range of challenges, including a recent assault on a staff member at Park Center Senior High School.

The decision to pull SROs from Brooklyn Park schools was not solely prompted by the recent incident but was influenced by a new state law that restricts the use of certain physical holds on students unless they pose a threat to themselves or others. This legislation has raised concerns among police departments about the feasibility of SROs effectively carrying out their responsibilities within the bounds of the new regulations.

Inspector Elliot Faust of the Brooklyn Park Police Department explained, “I can share with you that the SROs do not feel comfortable being in the schools in the capacity that they were in, and with that feedback, the chief made the decision to pull the SROs. And it wasn’t solely because of the incident that happened yesterday; it was a factor in the decision.”

The Brooklyn Park Police Department, while committed to the safety of students and staff, acknowledges the challenges posed by the new legal framework. The department believes that the SRO program is valuable and emphasizes the positive relationships that officers in this unit have built with students. However, due to the evolving circumstances, the chief made the decision to reassign SROs to patrol officers around the schools, aiming to maintain a visible and responsive police presence in case of emergencies.

“We’ve had two weeks of school now, and we’ve encountered several different incidents that have been, well, I call them very challenging,” Faust stated, highlighting the difficulties faced by officers under the new law.

Despite the withdrawal of SROs, the Brooklyn Park Police Department remains optimistic about maintaining school campus safety. The belief is that officers, even if not stationed within schools, can still be effective in responding promptly to incidents by being in close proximity to educational institutions.

As the debate over the role and effectiveness of SROs in schools continues, communities grapple with finding a balance between maintaining a secure learning environment and addressing concerns related to law enforcement presence and tactics on campus.


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The MEN was founded by John Huber in the fall of 2020. It was founded to provide a platform for expert opinion and commentary on current issues that directly or indirectly affect education. All opinions are valued and accepted providing they are expressed in a professional manner. The Maryland Education Network consists of Blogs, Videos, and other interaction among the K-12 community.