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For Parents


"We are always looking for stakeholders, If you would like to contribute,"


John Huber


Fell Short of Graduation? Your Comeback Story Begins Today!

Graduation time is here, and the air is filled with excitement, joy, and a sense of accomplishment. Families gather to celebrate the achievements of their loved ones, and graduates eagerly look forward to the next chapter of their lives. As an educator with 30 years of experience in Maryland’s public K-12 schools, I share in these feelings of pride and happiness for all the students who have reached this significant milestone. But amidst the celebrations, it’s crucial to remember and support those who, for various reasons, didn’t make it.

To the students who didn’t graduate this year, and to the parents who support them, it’s important to understand that this does not define your intelligence or potential for success. Missing this goal is a setback, not a defeat. Throughout my career as a teacher and administrator, I have seen many students face challenges and obstacles that hindered their path to graduation. The key is to keep at it and not give up. Everyone misses goals at some point in their lives; what matters is how you respond and move forward.

Parents, please share this message with your children: It’s tempting to think that you can work for a little while and then “go back” to get your diploma or GED later. However, from my experience, I can assure you that life will keep moving forward, and the time to return to education may never come. Responsibilities will pile up, and before you know it, years will have passed. That’s why it’s essential to address this now. Don’t put off what can be done today.

Reach out to your school counselor or administrator and ask about credit recovery options. Many schools offer programs designed to help students catch up and earn their diplomas. These programs are tailored to support students who have fallen behind, providing flexible schedules and targeted assistance.

As someone who has spent a significant part of my career developing school improvement plans and working closely with students on behavior management, I can tell you that the support is there. School administrators and teachers want to see you succeed. They are equipped with the tools and resources to help you get back on track. Your first step is to ask for help and take advantage of these opportunities.

I’ve seen firsthand how determination and perseverance can turn things around. Students who initially struggled have gone on to achieve great success once they decided to commit to their education. This could be your story, too. It’s not about where you start; it’s about where you finish.

So, as we celebrate the graduates of this year, let’s also remember and encourage those who haven’t yet reached that finish line. Your journey is not over. With the right support and a renewed commitment to your goals, you can still achieve your diploma and open doors to a brighter future. Don’t wait for the perfect moment; take action now and invest in yourself.

I urge you to seize this moment and make the decision to continue your education. Your future self will thank you. Remember, it’s not the missed goal that defines you, but your resilience and determination to keep moving forward.

Best wishes to all the graduates and to those who are still on their way. Your success story is still being written, and there are many chapters yet to come. Education is a lifelong endeavor.

At the end of my undergraduate studies, a professor of mine once said to me: “Don’t let the last day you walk out of this school be the last day you ever learned anything.” I will never forget that.

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The MEN was founded by John Huber in the fall of 2020. It was founded to provide a platform for expert opinion and commentary on current issues that directly or indirectly affect education. All opinions are valued and accepted providing they are expressed in a professional manner. The Maryland Education Network consists of Blogs, Videos, and other interaction among the K-12 community.