Rising Leaders: 10 standout assistant principals and district leaders you should know in 2023-24
Angie Dills oversees secondary education as well as career and technical education for Jackson County Public Schools. In her 4.5 years in that role, her actions have heavily impacted instruction and learning as the small, rural district’s 3,700 students prepare for the future, Superintendent Dana Ayers said.
Dills tackles her role “with great pride and humility,” according to Ayers, and is particularly passionate about offering variety in the district’s CTE programming so students have greater opportunities for workforce pathways after they graduate. That varied content, along with Dills’ collaboration with local businesses, has allowed the district to expand both internship and externship opportunities, as well as professional learning tours for teachers. Dills launched the latter to ensure educators had first-hand experiences with the variety of business and industry opportunities available in the area, Ayers said.
“There are now more than 50 different class offerings for both middle grades and high school students,” said Ayers. “Her drive to increase exposure to career opportunities allows our students more chances to ‘dabble’ in a variety of potential careers.”
Beyond those CTE opportunities, Dills maintains a steadfast focus on core instruction and students’ academic success, whether that means selecting reading materials or planning professional development opportunities. “Angie’s focus is ‘what can we do to better students’ chances for academic growth, progress and success,’” said Ayers.
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