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"We are always looking for stakeholders, If you would like to contribute,"


John Huber


School Choice

Anne Arundel County Public Schools is considering implementing AI-powered weapons detection systems to enhance student safety. These systems use artificial intelligence and advanced scanning technology to identify weapons and have been adopted by an increasing number of school districts across the country. They may provide a sense of security; however, the reality is not so …

Anne Arundel County Schools Invests in AI Weapons Detection—Will It Actually Work? Read More »

Whatever happened to the results of MCAP from the Spring of 2022?
Whatever happened to the results of MCAP from the Spring of 2022?  For those who have forgotten, the MCAP is the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program.  It is Maryland’s standardized testing program that is implemented every Spring.  What was different in the Spring of 2022 is that it was the first assessment of any significance since …

Whatever happened to the results of MCAP from the Spring of 2022? Read More »

What’s the Deal With all of These Online K-12 Schools? 
Can you send your child there instead of a Maryland K-12 school?  Do they cost anything?  The answer is not too complicated. Over the past decade, there has been an incredible increase in the number of these online schools.  Many offer completely online services, and some offer hybrid.  These online schools can offer both asynchronous …

What’s the Deal With all of These Online K-12 Schools?  Read More »